Cemetery Contact Information
If you are in need of plot information or burial arrangements, please contact a cemetery committee member. Telephone numbers are: Judy Windorski, Chairman 651-895-9535 Clayton Bengtson, Secretary 763-568-6919 Mike Erickson, Treasurer 320-396-2473
Or you can email them at siloacemeterycommittee@gmail.com
We have updated our cemetery grounds regulations.
With regards to flowers and decorations:
Only one planter per gravesite
Flowers must be in planters on stands. Exsisting perennials exempt
No in-ground planting such as trees, shrubs, plants
No pots on the ground
Artificial and plastic flowers placed on ground or monument must be removed by June 15th
Any decorations on the graves must be above ground and close to the markers. They must not inhibit trimming and lawn care
With regards to markers- check with the cemetery committee before ordering your marker
No pets allowed on cemetery grounds
No pet burials allowed
Thank you.