SILOA LUTHERAN CHURCH 2607 405th Ave NW Braham MN 55006 320-396-3927 10:30 am Sunday Services Pastor Susan Masters, Interim
Our Mission statement: "Serve the Lord, Share God's Love"
If you are looking for a church home, consider becoming a member at Siloa Lutheran Church. You will be welcomed here. Pray about this; you are already in our prayers. God's Peace be with you, always!
"Synod's Mission Statement: The Minneapolis Area synod works together so that all experience gracious invitation into life giving christian community and live in just and healthy neighboorhoods."
We are in a time of transition as we welcome Pastor Susan Masters as our interim pastor. Please pray for our congregation as we begin this journey.
Bobbin Feeders are back at their sewing machines. If you would like to assist with quilt making (there are non-sewing jobs too!), please join them on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at Salem at 8:30 am. All are welcome.
In our prayers: Lee Rysdam, Joanne Kloos, Shirley Campbell, and Nicki Laman.
The ladies of Siloa and Salem meet on the first Tuesday of each month for breakfast at 8:30 am with the location changing. They will meet at The Dusty Eagle in Dalbo on February 4.
Annual congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26 after a potluck lunch.
Men's breakfasts continue at The Park Cafe in Braham each Wednesday morning at 8:00. All are welcome
Upcoming Events:
Food Shelf Sunday.................................First Sunday of each month
Men in Mission/Bible study........................Every Wednesday morning
Church Council .....................................Second Sunday of each month. February's meeting rescheduled for February 16
Women of Siloa/Salem breakfast ....................First Tuesday of each month
Quilting with Salem WELCA group.....Second and fourth Tuesday of eacch month 8:30 to noon @ Salem
Bible Study at Salem ............First & third Wednesdays of each month @ 1:30 pm at Salem
Annual Congregational meeting with potluck lunch....January 26, 2025
Installation of Congregational Council..........................February 2, 2025
Joint Congregational Council Meeting...................February 2, 2025 @ 11:45 at Salem
Souper Bowl lunch after service....................................February 9, 2025
Crafting retreat...............................................................February 21 & 22
Greeters: Patrick & Terri Gerold Wally & June Bengtson
Altar Guild: June Bengtson June Bengtson
Lay Reader: Terri Gerold Wally Bengtson
Janitors: Tim Jensen & Darlene Krutsch Wally & June Bengtson
Communion Assist. Sharon Peterson Bob Anderson
Power Point: Lynn Erickson Lee Ann Anderson & Lynn Erickson
Contact Us
2607 405th Ave NW Braham, MN 55006
320-396-3927 CHURCH
Siloa Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)